Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, and somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends. ~Author Unknown
For the past few days this kept bugging me coz everyone around me seems to have a common concept about "best friend." A kid from church told me she has several best friends. And not only that even the adults I’ve met in this lifetime they all share the same concept that one can have several best friends. How is that possible?
When I was a kid one of my favorite subject is Language. Going to school where we were taught to be critical and objective has been a blessing to me in a lot of ways. Ms. Myrna Labisig was the name of my English teacher. She's tough as a teacher but outside the classroom she can be a good friend. Learning language with her was a fun experience for me because I dread those times when I was called to stand in class and say a phrase or a word until it's perfect. So I had to put extra effort to do good in her class. Now what is the relationship of my teacher to best friends? Simple, I just want to share with you what I've learned from my teacher.
In the comparison of adjectives we have the comparative and superlative degree. So when we use the adjective "best" it only means you are using the superlative degree of comparison. Which goes to show that if you compare things there will and should only be one that stays on the top. That is why you call it "best". With this premise, I would like to impart my stand about having only one best friend. In this lifetime we meet a lot of people and in one way or another touched our lives. There are those who fall under your acquaintances, there are judiends and there are friends as well and there will only be one best friend. When you give that title to someone it means that, that person stands out in your pool of friends.
My best friend, well she's the best for me. I know everyone has their own standards for their best friend and I have mine too. I am just grateful I have her in my life because she has been that one person who sees the best and worst in me yet she remained steadfast in believing that we are the best of friends. We are not best friends because we need something from one another. We are the best of friends by choice... in our journey thru life we will find someone who will complements us. You don't have to have reasons for making someone your best friend because your heart will just tell you that, that certain someone is your best friend.
Please don't get me wrong for I have a few close friends too, I hope they won't be offended by my idea which I’m sure they won't. In this life we will meet thousands of people who can and will make a difference in our lives but once we find those we can call our own we ought to nurture them because we won't stumble upon another creature who will exactly be the kind of treasure they've been to us. To my true friends, I'm sure you know you are... I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the kind of friends you've always been to me. I couldn't ask far more. And oh before I forget, just let me play with the kids ok? I will borrow them one of these days. But let me take them out one at a time coz I can't handle more than 1.
To all my friends… saya cinta kamu!
For the past few days this kept bugging me coz everyone around me seems to have a common concept about "best friend." A kid from church told me she has several best friends. And not only that even the adults I’ve met in this lifetime they all share the same concept that one can have several best friends. How is that possible?
When I was a kid one of my favorite subject is Language. Going to school where we were taught to be critical and objective has been a blessing to me in a lot of ways. Ms. Myrna Labisig was the name of my English teacher. She's tough as a teacher but outside the classroom she can be a good friend. Learning language with her was a fun experience for me because I dread those times when I was called to stand in class and say a phrase or a word until it's perfect. So I had to put extra effort to do good in her class. Now what is the relationship of my teacher to best friends? Simple, I just want to share with you what I've learned from my teacher.
In the comparison of adjectives we have the comparative and superlative degree. So when we use the adjective "best" it only means you are using the superlative degree of comparison. Which goes to show that if you compare things there will and should only be one that stays on the top. That is why you call it "best". With this premise, I would like to impart my stand about having only one best friend. In this lifetime we meet a lot of people and in one way or another touched our lives. There are those who fall under your acquaintances, there are judiends and there are friends as well and there will only be one best friend. When you give that title to someone it means that, that person stands out in your pool of friends.
My best friend, well she's the best for me. I know everyone has their own standards for their best friend and I have mine too. I am just grateful I have her in my life because she has been that one person who sees the best and worst in me yet she remained steadfast in believing that we are the best of friends. We are not best friends because we need something from one another. We are the best of friends by choice... in our journey thru life we will find someone who will complements us. You don't have to have reasons for making someone your best friend because your heart will just tell you that, that certain someone is your best friend.
Please don't get me wrong for I have a few close friends too, I hope they won't be offended by my idea which I’m sure they won't. In this life we will meet thousands of people who can and will make a difference in our lives but once we find those we can call our own we ought to nurture them because we won't stumble upon another creature who will exactly be the kind of treasure they've been to us. To my true friends, I'm sure you know you are... I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the kind of friends you've always been to me. I couldn't ask far more. And oh before I forget, just let me play with the kids ok? I will borrow them one of these days. But let me take them out one at a time coz I can't handle more than 1.
To all my friends… saya cinta kamu!