Friday, May 11, 2007

Sauce needed

This yummy looking crab needs a sauce. So if you have the talent of whipping up something lemme know and I will refer you to the committee in charge of the sauce making contest.

Friday, May 04, 2007

My officemates

(L-R) Jane, TM, Slamet, Meil, Dhora
The Photo Addicts

A view from Menara Hijau

A view of the residential area from my office. They like red roofs.

This view is facing the business district of Jakarta. The buildings are not so visible because of the smog.
Today it looks brighter than the previous days.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A tribute to a good friend

I know you will no longer hear me but I am hoping that the angels will send this message to you. I tried to find you but I guess I did not try hard enough. Wherever you may be right now, I want you to know that I am truly grateful that our paths had crossed. You made me realize that despite of life's misgivings we still have to be thankful to our Creator.

I don't want to remember you looking sick and weak. I want to remember you as the person who made my stay in Bay worthwhile. Today, I asked God to give you rest. May your life be an inspiration to those who knew you. thank you for taking care of me back then. Thank you for those breakfasts and lunches we had together. Thank you for the silly thoughts, the laughter and the tears we shared.

Til we meet again Ate Nels. I will miss you.